You will never believe what I did on the weekend

You will never believe what I did on the weekend, I stayed home, yes you read it right I didn't go out. I decided to work out, do some yoga, meditation, and relax, but I have changed my trainer, and that is because my last trainer had a slow method.

Even though she was a good trainer, I was not satisfied with the process. I had not progressed much in months, and she had been my trainer for almost two years, so you probably get why I decided enough was enough.

It took me about three weeks to find a new trainer. the long wait was mostly because I was a bit picky due to my previous experience  with my last trainer.

After the long search I finally found the right trainer for me. she knows a lot about chakras, and how to balance them, which in my opinion is very important knowledge for a yoga trainer. I have already progressed a lot, so you can imagine how happy I am.


  1. Definitely sounds like you made the right decision, finding a new trainer. Hope you continue to enjoy your yoga sessions. Carol T


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