Crispy And Delicious Kokis

Kokis is a lovely traditional recipe. It's crunchy and crispy. If you eat one, you want to eat another one. Some countries call these " Rosette cookies ", but that recipe has a few differences. Normally in my country, we prepare this recipe for the New Years' table and on special occasions. Now I will tell you how this amazing recipe prepare.


250g rice flour                               coconut mill and 2 cup water                

1/2 teaspoon salt                             1/2 teaspoon suger

1/2 teaspoon turmeric                    vegetable oil

one egg                                            pan and bowl 

kokis non-stick mould / rosette mould (image below)

Let's see how it make this. Firstly, we have to make the batter. First put the flour into the bowl. Add coconut milk, water, salt, suger, turmeric to the flour. Then mix this mixture using a whisk. Mix it until it's a thick batter. Then put a fry pan onto the stove and pour in the oil. Then after heating the oil, put the mould into the oil. After heating the mould take it out and put it into the batter carefully and take it out. Then deep it into the oil. Let it fry and remove the mould. When the colour of the kokis change to brown you can take it out and place it on paper.

You can make this delicious recipe easily. Try this recipe. You can buy various types of decorative mould from the market.


  1. This sounds very tasty Induma and maybe not too difficult to make. I look forward to trying some one day. Carol T


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