It was my boyfriend's birthday, and I wanted to make him a special cake and surprise him with a homemade cake. I had never been much of a baker, but I thought, "How hard could it be? It's just following a recipe!"

I decided to bake the cake anyway and hoped for the best. So, armed with a recipe written on the cake packet, I gathered all the ingredients and got to work. Everything seemed to be going smoothly though it wasn't at all!

The fondant cover turned out to be too tough and icing cream became such a condensed milk! No0O, I don't lose this war, so I used ingredients for four cakes to make one.

So, even though it didn't turn out as expected, the birthday became a funny and unique experience because it was his first birthday experience in winter, before this year he always had it at the end of spring because he lived in northern hemisphere.


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