Reverent Or Irreverent 

It has always been a nice social manner, RESPECT of people's rights. Usually we all would like other people to respect our rights and put them first, Before theirs; But how about ourselves?!
I'd like to tell you what I saw and experienced last weekend. It was an enjoyable sunny day, so I decided to take a train and go to the city center. Halfway there, an angry passenger got in and with dreadful behavior threw his backpack on the seats, which are placed for people with disability! When I saw that, the first thing I asked myself was whether this terrible action would continue.
You won't believe what happened next! Believe it or not, he laid on the seats and then put his leg up on the handle and somehow stuck his leg to the side window! Yeah, it was horrible, I know.
Needless to say, it's not just about train etiquette, he used the seats for people with disabilities while the rest of the train was empty. What should I do in that position? What would you do if it was you?
If you would like to know about my reaction, well, I just took a photo to share with you, but please write on the comment, what do you think? What would be your reaction? 


  1. It's amazing what you see on public transport Mori! I always wonder how these type of people behave in their own home. I'm glad the train wasn't crowded otherwise there might have been some trouble if someone spoke to this man and asked him to sit properly.

    1. Yes u r right, it makes the same question for me as well


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