Metro vs Driving

Last weekend,I went to the City to see my friend.Instead of driving, which I have been doing for most of time,I took the metro and train.The metro was not crowed and very quiet,allowing me to relax and see the passing scenery. 

Then I had a wonderful brunch and catch up with my friend.Of course, we went to go shopping for several hours.Time passes so fast.After a day in the City,I headed back home,at last I arrived at the Norwest station.When I stood on the escalator,I looked up and noticed the square glass windows in the ceiling.There was sunlight streaming through.I was stunned at the moment and completely captivated by this intersecting light and color.

In a word, I had fun taking the metro. I think I might choose to take the metro and train more often in the future.How about you? How do you usually get around?


  1. Great photo Mavis. I haven't been on the metro for many years but did go into the city by train last week. It was easy and efficient but as I don't live near a station, I think I still prefer to drive. Carol T


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