Happy or Sad?

 Through the sun rise comes loud noises from our back yard. I realized that my neighbor's giant eucalypt tree was finally being cut down. Cutting the tree has brought a lot of benefits for us, such as no longer shade in the winter on my house, no branches falling down into my yard on a windy day, and no shade on our solar panels on the roof.

But I feel so sorry for this tree when I saw the branches being  sawed one by one, then immediately being into a shredder machine to become wood pieces.

My neighbor told me it cost him $1800,not more than I expected, but he joked that maybe kind neighbors should donate money to him, because cutting down the tree would be a good thing for everyone.

Maybe Yes, maybe no, what do you think?



  1. I wouldn't donate Shelly - his tree so he should pay:) I understand your sadness for the tree. I expect it had grown there for a long time, and now it's gone. I hope the neighbour plants a new tree.


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