Weekend  in the Blue Mountains.

One weekend my family and I went to the Blue Mountains. Early morning we left by car and after 2 hours we were near the mountains. It was amazing! Blue haze rising over the mountains. Lots of eucalyptus!

We walked along the mountain paths and enjoyed great views. After that we went on the cable car. It was very interesting for my grandson and we went down to the waterfall.

On the way back we found the Teapot  Museum. I never thought such a museum existed! It was a small house, where a familys live, who founded this museum. It had very cozy rooms and lots of teapots. They were different and interesting! From tiny to big!They had the most bizarre shapes! We bought one amazing teapot and drank tea in the small cafe at the Museum.

Have you ever been in the Teapot Museum? If not, you should visit it. It's a beautiful place!


  1. Great photos of the Blue Mountains Viktoriia, looks like you had nice weather. I haven't been to a teapot museum, it looks cute!

  2. Thank you. I really recommend, very cozy and unusual museum.


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